Did you think I forgot about you?

NEVAH!  But I am very sorry for being MIA for the past MONTH (gulp).  I have been on a whirlwind of work, weddings, and more weddings…and this poor little blog has been suffering because of it.  So I apologize.  To both of you.

Somehow the summer seems to fill up before I even realize it’s started.  And with that, I give you a summer to do list that I will likely accomplish 50% of…

1. Go to Nantucket


One of my favorite places on the planet. I spent my college summers here waitressing at Slip14 and have such amazing memories.  My girlfriends and I now have an annual tradition to go for a week every summer (see beach babes above).  Some favorite spots: here, here, here & here.  (Nantucket guide to come later in the summer!)

2. Go to Martha’s Vineyard


Most people are one or the other, but why have one when you can have both?  My mom grew up spending her summers in the Vineyard, so I went every summer for a week or two with my family.  It makes me so nostalgic every time I go, and it’s so funny how certain neighborhoods or smells bring back such vivid memories.  Ahhhh vacation.

3. Eat ice cream


Err’day…although this is somewhat of a year round to-do for me.  Life is too short.

4. Mini golf on Pier 25


I mean this is footsteps from my apartment and I still haven’t done it… FOOTSTEPS.

5. Picnic on Hudson River Park

IMG_1856View from my future picnic.  Complete with red solo cups and a paper bag.

6. Complete a Triathlon


This is one of those cheater to-dos you write down just so you can check it off…because I am signed up for one in two.short.weeks.  (sidenote: this photo makes my stomach drop)

7. Get good at tennis


And look like this on the court…

Tennis lessons as a youngster have only partially paid off… and there’s a lot of work to be done.  I’m telling you A LOT.  Anyone want to “play” with me?

8. Shop in my own closet


Because I always seem to find things every year when I break out the summer clothes that I forgot about.  (No, this is not my closet and yes, I would like it to be.)

9. Buy a cute new swimsuit


Since all of mine seem to be on their last leg and/or not fit me correctly anymore.  Do bodies change that much from age 26 to 27?  SCARE-REEE.

10. Apply & reapply SPF


I’m paying for my SPF 4 summers in Nantucket…should’ve listened to my mom.

11. Dine alfresco in the West Village

This is so random but I always imagine a perfect summer night of strolling through the West Village after getting out early from work, coming across the perfect alfresco restaurant and sitting down on a whim for a yummy dinner and a crisp glass of rosé‎.

12. Rooftop cocktails


There are so many rooftop spots opening up in the city and I am dying to try this one at the famous Standard Hotel.

13.  Dance in the rain… in the MoMA

…and pray it stops raining outside. (I can’t take it anymore!)

I mean this is just so cool.  And it’s about time I take advantage of living in NYC (If the fact that I didn’t see the David until the last week I was living in Florence isn’t telling I don’t know what is.).

Oh the joys of SUMMER!  So much to look forward to!


(pics 1, 2 & 5 – my own, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)