Happy hump day!

Hello lovahs!  Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I have a lot of balls in the air (which I will fill you in on soon) so will be taking this week off from the blog.  If you have a few minutes, watch this video!

Pinned Image

It really makes you think and stop to smell the roses!



PS – How cute is the little girl in the video?  Love her!

(photo from Pinterest)

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Just a little cold weather inspiration here for you on this frigid Friday!

Cold Outside

I thought I was a tough Massachusetts girl who could handle this type of weather, but apparently not!  When it’s this chilly out, the only way to make the best of it is to mix up a nice hotty toddy, throw on a cute sweaterwarm boots, cashmere socks (no I don’t own these…yet) and cuddle up by a fire.  And pretend you’re in the French Alps and it’s après ski.  Which makes me think… fondue.  So make fondue too!  That’s what I’ll be doing this weekend,  pretending I’m in the French Alps and eating fondue.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody and STAY WARM!  Can it just snow already?


(PS – corduroys, jacket, mittens, cashmere wrap, hat)

Chivalry is not dead!

After coming across this article, written by the husband of one of my favorite bloggers, Joanna Goddard, it got me thinking, Is chivalry really dead?   After evaluating my own relationship and interviewing four amazing 20 something women, I’ve come to the conclusion that NO! Chivalry is not dead!  At least not yet…

When my boyfriend, Bryan, and I first met, we briefly chatted in a bar and sort of “hit it off” (as they say).  As I was leaving, he asked me for my number politely (vs. creepily – there is a difference) and I thought, Wow, I think this might be a first!  We then parted ways, and shortly after I received a TEXT (ok, so some of the article is 100% accurate), seeing if I wanted to get dinner that week.  So while the overall concept was somewhat traditional (face to face interaction!), the act (texting) was exactly the untraditional “norm” that we’re now used to, being part of the so-called “hook-up generation”.  Gone are the days of walking up to someone and asking them out or picking up the phone and calling.  No, that would take way too much courage and texting is “more like dropping a line in the water and hoping for a nibble”, without the potential humiliation of face to face rejection, as the article states.  Now don’t get the wrong idea here, I did not think Bry was a coward for asking me out via text message, I actually thought the way everything played out was charming and “old-school” in a way.  Which is exactly the point the article is getting at – times-are-a-changing!  As time went on though, I realized regardless of the text message “courtship”, Bry was in fact very traditional in other ways: he surprises me with flowers, he holds my hand when we cross the street, he always opens the door for me and takes the outside of the sidewalk (just in case)…and he actually does call me 9 times out of 10.  So while the days of love letters and courting periods, may be behind us, the new generation are more of a hybrid-gentleman breed.  Sure you can find both extremes (beware of the latter), but as you can see from my own experience and the four women interviewed below…the hybrids ain’t half bad!

Girl  #1 – 26 years old, Publishing, NYC

Do you feel as though you were courted? OR were YOU the courter? (feel free to explain)

I’d say it was mutual.

Give an example of how your man is chivalrous?

It’s in the little things: he’s continuously polite. He pays for my booze (most times). He gives me rides on his back when it’s late at night and I’m tired of walking in high heels.

How did your significant other first ask you out?

He got my number from our mutual friend. But then he didn’t call for a week! So I finally mentioned to my friend that he hadn’t called yet and when word got back to him, he claimed he thought the agreement was that I was going to call him…then he called. And I did a little dance.

What “old-fashioned” ways do you wish were still the norm? (i.e. love letters, etc.)

Instead of seeing more physical gestures, like writing love letters, tending to a woman’s needs like hanging up her coat or pulling out her chair (which are all nice and wonderful), I’d like to see more chivalry infused in men’s attitudes towards women (more courtesy, patience, selflessness, etc.) You hear more and more stories about young men on college campuses taking advantage of women, exploiting their sexuality and treating them like it’s all just a big joke and it’s disturbing.

Do you typically prefer a call or a text from your man?

Phone call.

Do you believe chivalry is dead?

I don’t! But I’m an optimist. I think it’s definitely not as prevalent as it was when our generation’s parents were young adults. And technology is certainly partially to blame, as is the shifting dynamic between men and women. When I hear about dates my parents went on, they sound quite different from what my contemporaries are experiencing. And when I hear my grandmother talk about how my grandfather “courted” her—by making visits to her house and enduring what sounds like tough formalities with her father—it makes me laugh. But it’s also very sweet. What I love about the concept of chivalry is that it’s romantic and by nature prompted by kindness and good manners. But I also think in some examples it can be patronizing, outdated, or sexist. Chivalry should really be gender neutral if you think about it, right? But there’s certainly nothing wrong with a man opening a door for you, that’s for sure.

Girl  #2 – 27 years old, Technical Sales Specialist, NYC

Do you feel as though you were courted? OR were YOU the courter? (feel free to explain)

I was definitely courted, he put in all of the effort and organized
all the plans originally.

Give an example of how your man is chivalrous?

He is a Southern gentleman. Opens doors, makes dinner reservations, random
flowers, gets angry if I try to “split the check” (sometimes I get
breakfast though), always checks in to make sure I’m okay, takes care
of my sister and friends, offers his jacket, always introduces me.

How did your significant other first ask you out?

At a mutual friends holiday party.  He walked across the dance floor,
introduced himself and asked me to dinner. I said no initially but
eventually caved.

What “old-fashioned” ways do you wish were still the norm? (i.e. love letters, etc.)

Formal dates/dances

Do you typically prefer a call or a text from your man?

Text (I’m not a phone person and am typically running around all day),
texts act as a nice reminder he’s thinking of me

Do you believe chivalry is dead?

In my case, no.  But for the majority of New York, yes.

Girl  #3– 27 years old, Education, NYC

Do you feel as though you were courted? OR were YOU the courter? (feel free to explain)

We started off as friends, so instead of “courting” it was more that we just started to realize that we wanted to be around each other a lot. We became really good friends and then realized there was something more there.

Give an example of how your man is chivalrous?

I am a really restless sleeper, so I think its chivalrous that he is usually trying to help me fall asleep rather than asking me to be quiet when I say for the 3rd time… “I swear I just have one more thing to say, then I will go to sleep”.

How did your significant other first ask you out?

Again, we started as friends and began dating in college so instead of “asking me out”, our first one-on-one hangouts were studying for Spanish class together.

What “old-fashioned” ways do you wish were still the norm? (i.e. love letters, etc.)

Can’t really think of any on the spot.

Do you typically prefer a call or a text from your man?

We still check in via phone call just to say hi and hear about each other’s day, but I think a short text once and a while throughout the day is always good.

Do you believe chivalry is dead?

I don’t think chivalry is dead, but since the article you are responding to is connecting it to social media, I do think that social media websites are becoming a bit too much. Do I need to be updated on a couple’s every kiss together?

Girl  #4– 26 years old, Healthcare, Boston

Do you feel as though you were courted? OR were YOU the courter? (feel free to explain)

This is difficult to answer because we were very close friends before dating, but I would say the attraction and courtship was mutual (virtually the same pull from both directions).

Give an example of how your man is chivalrous?

I’ve had a boyfriend for the majority of the past 10 years. I would say all of them were kind, helpful, doting, etc; however, my current boyfriend best defines the term chivalrous. He is generous, courteous, protective, respectful and loyal.  It can actually be a bit old fashion at times.

Some specific ways in which he treats me as a lady include opening doors, dropping me at the entrance of apartment/restaurants, carrying my bags (not purses – that drives me nuts and is unattractive). I also still receive notes on the counter or random emails. Most importantly, he treats my friends with the same respect and courtesy. I think the way your significant other treats your friends and family is the best sign of their true nature.  My mom always told me to pay particularly close attention to how they treat their own mother ….and if they return the shopping cart at the super market J

How did your significant other first ask you out?

It was almost 5.5 years ago and I’m embarrassed to say I can’t remember. As mentioned previously, we were very close friends first and our relationship evolved naturally with very little effort. I do recall our first really nice date though because going out to an expensive dinner was uncommon in college. I actually remember everything we ordered.

What “old-fashioned” ways do you wish were still the norm? (i.e. love letters, etc.)

Maybe staying at home as a homemaker and cooking elaborate dinners every night? Just kidding- that has nothing to do with chivalry and I would be crawling up the kitchen walls. I am actually very pleased with my current situation. I think there is a good balance of “old fashioned” and modern ways. I wouldn’t change anything. With that said, my boyfriend is a bit of an old soul and probably would have thrived in the sock hop/poodle skirt era.

Do you typically prefer a call or a text from your man?

It totally depends on the situation. I prefer a call when I want to catch up, make plans, get to the point, etc. A spontaneous text is preferred on certain occasions as a reminder they are thinking about me.

Do you believe chivalry is dead?

I think that chivalry has been redefined. The term originated in the Middle Ages, so naturally it must evolve over time. The NYT opinion piece touches on some very important points- namely the economic status, the role of social media and a shift in women’s perception of themselves.

While the economy plays a strong role, fancy or expensive courtships aren’t necessary. I think women appreciate any thoughtful and well planned date- even if that means a home cooked, candlelight dinner with a hand-written menu. I have always volunteered to share the dinner bill or reciprocate past expenses. I don’t think it’s fair for one person to bear the financial burden.

Also, the time it takes people to establish their careers and gain financial comfort has lengthened. I think this results in men settling down later in life. I definitely see this with my boyfriend’s friends. I also see girls to be on the prowl more as a result, looking for immediate serious relationship and often pushing the guys away during the process.

I definitely agree that technology and social media leaves less to be uncovered. There is an automatic porthole into someone’s past – maybe something that should be left untouched until it’s time to discuss the topic (i.e. physical appearances, exes). Texting is at the center of the problem. When I was single, I definitely would text more than necessary with guys. This constant stream of communication lessens the desire to see the person sooner because you already know everything they’re doing that week. People also feel like they can say things through texts that would never have been said otherwise. Booze mixed with texting can definitely lead to quicker demise of a potential relationship. The flame is put out before it can actually grow.

Lastly and most importantly, women’s perception of themselves has changed over the years. We now view ourselves as independent, hard workers who are capable of conquering anything. This has put both genders on a more even playing field. I appreciate my independence and take pride in my ability to change car oil, use power tools or lead an all-male business meeting. There are times when I find myself throwing fits because my boyfriend is trying to treat me like a lady. I know his intentions are benign, but perhaps I second guess how my dependence will portray my capabilities as a woman. I reflect on these moments and think- was it really necessary to lock myself in the car until he agreed to let me carry the groceries form our parking spot???

In summary, the times have changed and expectations need to change with it. This does not mean that morals need to change. Everyone should treat each other with kindness, respect and courtesy. Let’s all do our society a favor and instill these characteristics in our children.

I love to hear how each relationship and viewpoint differs.  It has actually opened my eyes in many ways from interviewing these ladies.  We all have different ideals and images of “how it’s supposed to be”, which is what makes every relationship unique.  With that said, while everyone’s “courting” experiences varied, we were still able to identify acts of chivalry, no matter modern or old-school.  Personally, I love a little old-fashioned in my man, but I also accept the fact that things are not the same as they used to be.  Even after talking to some of my single girlfriends, their preference to “grab a drink” when they’re first meeting someone rather than go on a dinner date, just shows another shift in modern dating culture.  (I can’t imagine the number of awkward dinner conversations had back in the day…)

But the bottom line here is: Ladies, don’t settle or let this article bring you down!  There are still true MEN out there who won’t text you at 11pm on a Saturday seeing “What’s good?”

Happy Thursday! And a big THANK YOU to all of you ladies who participated!  :  )



(photo via)

A Day in the Life: Mary Kate

Mary Kate


Current City: Manhasset, New York
Job: Pediatric Nurse, “Currently not working while waiting for baby Miller to arrive, hopefully I will go back in the fall but we will see!”
Fave Food: Pizza “Especially pregnant, apparently I have been eating too much of it because when I went to pay over the phone at Pottery Barn for the babies glider I said “I’d like to pay with my pizza!” I meant Visa…MORTIFYING!  I was always more of a salt over sugar girl but this pregnancy I am definitely more of a sugar girl.  I NEED to have something sweet after I eat, I hope that craving stops after the baby arrives I always loved that I didn’t like dessert now I can’t live without it!”
Favorite TV Show: Homeland, Dateline and 48 Hour Mystery, Bachelor/Bachelorette, Housewives and Modern Family
Drink of Choice: “When I am pregnant I like Seltzer with a splash of cranberry or a non alcoholic beer if I am out so I feel like I am drinking- I also just love the taste of beer!  Not pregnant I enjoy Diet Coke with a lemon! Mojito or Red wine!! CANNOT wait for a few Mojitos this summer – watch out!!!!!”
Ideal Date: Dinner and a movie, “Ryan’s (MK’s hubby) not a huge movie goer so we like to get take out and rent a movie on TV too!”
Favorite NYC Spots: “Columbus Circle where we got married, especially around Christmas I love the shops they set up – this year we went for our anniversary (12/17) and we got hot chocolate and shopped around it was perfect!  There are hundreds of favs though – the entire city is cool!  I lived there for 5 years out of college, sometimes I miss it, but I am definitely more a suburbs gal!  I mostly just miss my girlfriends being so close.  We go to visit quite a bit and that’s perfect for me!”
Favorite Department Store: Bloomies!
Favorite Scent: Kiehl’s Musk – the spray and the oil!
Favorite breakfast food: eggs or a bagel with cream cheese “bagels give me massive heartburn pregnant though…along with EVERYTHING else!”
Current Nail Polish: Topless and Barefoot “I do not recommend…makes my nails look dirty like the ink on my jeans has rubbed off on them or something!”



8:00am – Wake up…

8:00am-8:25am – “Get out of bed, sometimes it takes a while with this big ol’ belly!”; Products: “I am a product freak!! I love creams, I take after my Mom!  Guinot is my favorite brand.  I love the face wash it’s smells good and makes your skin so smooth- I follow it with Guinot toner and then Guinot bioxygene moisturizer – simply fantastic!”  CeraVe moisturizer for my body (“they make an am/pm cream for the face too”), Vaseline aloe fresh moisturizing body gel,  Neutrogena oil-free eye makeup remover, Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner, NARS tinted moisturizer, Pantene Pro-V “for shampoo and conditioner but I change it up every time”, Dove body wash “right now but again I change my body wash up every time I go to the store too – much more fun that way new bottles and new scents they all seem to do the same for my hair and skin”, Venus razors

8:30am-9:30am – Go downstairs, “Ryan will usually make me breakfast unless I make cereal, I am going to miss that when he deploys :( We discuss what task is on the agenda for the day.  We are currently dealing with heat issues.  We are getting a whole new system Feb 7th they have to tear up the ceiling in the basement that we just redid!”

9:30am-10:30am – “I used to go to SoulCycle every Tuesday/Thursday at this time but at 36 weeks I had to stop – SoulCycle ROCKS but the ab work out part was getting too difficult with my bump – I’m proud I made it so far…so I try to walk or do something physical during this time – Wednesday/Friday I go to my trainer at this point I just go to get my blood flowing and see if I can squat this baby out!  I tried to keep in shape this pregnancy – they say it’s good for the baby, it makes labor easier and it helps you take the weight off quicker after you give birth- we shall see!”

11:00am-12:00pm – “Shower after my workout or run errands for whatever it is we are doing for the day.  Lately it has just been organizing the house (who knew how long this would take?), getting our paperwork squared away, washing the baby clothes, setting up baby things and trying to get our life squared away before Ryan leaves and we have our sweet baby!  We have furniture delivered almost everyday, it’s so fun and exciting.  Since we just moved and unpacked (mostly) we move things around ALL the time still – it’s like a game figuring out where everything should go!”

12:30pm – Lunch “It’s so nice to have Ryan home to share this time before he deploys we have really been able to enjoy each others company before the baby arrives!”

1:00pm-6:30pm – Finish up work for the day and run errands, “My Mom and I are always out buying something for the house while Ryan is home doing the handyman work! Sometimes I sneak in a nap – not as often as I should be at this point – there is just so much I can be doing!  Being pregnant is funny it’s the kind of tired that you physically CANNOT keep your eyes open even if you try, at least not me!”

7:00pm – “Plan on what to do for dinner!  I feel bad I haven’t cooked in the new house yet.  I’m getting used to Ryan cooking for me…going to be a hard habit to break!”

8:00pm –  Watch TV with Ryan; check bills and e-mails and do the dishes or laundry

9:30pm/10:00pm – Bed; “I take my prenatal vitamins, I bring up two bottles of water for my bedside – I am so thirsty at night! I use my Guinot products or Neutrogena towelettes (if it’s a lazy night) and brush my teeth!  I usually do not fall asleep until 11 or 12 baby Miller just sits on my bladder so I am up almost every hour at night, not as easy to sleep anymore – turning from side to side is a project! ”

Thanks Mary Kate!  Again, so many new products I haven’t heard of!   It is such an exciting time and so amazing to hear about all of the prep that goes into having a baby.  MK is one of an incredible family of 5 kids with more extended family than I can keep track of!  Baby Miller will be loved by so many and we can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or a girl!  In fact, MK has agreed to do another day in the life post-baby!  It will be so fun to compare schedules pre and post baby!



Birthday Weekend!

This weekend I am turning 27!  (EEK!) My birthday typically falls on MLK weekend but I don’t think I have ever actually taken advantage of the long weekend until NOW!  I’m heading to Jupiter, Florida for the weekend with my bf and a few of our friends and I couldn’t.be.more.excited!  It is my first time to the West Palm Beach scene which is very exciting!  Here is what we have on the agenda…

Guanabanas anyone?

Square Grouper (not sure about the black cat…)

Square Grouper

Lots of Beach time…

Whooping the bf’s *** in Tennis

Aaaaaaaaaaaannnddd here’s what I packed (if you care enough to continue…)

Florida 1

Florida - 2

Florida - 3

In case you haven’t gotten enough of this yet… I will be reading

While we’re at it (just to touch on all senses here) I plan to eat a lot of chicken salad sandwiches and fish tacos and drink Arnold Palmers and frozen margaritas with salt.  In terms of my music selection I am thinking along the lines of this & that…oh and one more.

And there you have it folks!

Have a wonderful long weekend!



PS – Used my Clarisonic this morning which my generous amazing girlfriends gave me for my birthday last night (a la pic above) and I am OBSESSED!  Thanks ladies!!!

(top pics 1, 2, 3, 4)

A Day in the Life: Molly


Current City: Manhattan, Upper West Side
Job: Associate, Corporate Services Real Estate Group at Goldman Sachs
Fave Food: “I pretty much like all types of food except for Pork Chops (strange I know). My ultimate favorite is probably mexican food (2 beef burritos, rice & refried beans with a small side of queso and lots of chips and guacamole. Frozen margarita with salt.”
Favorite TV Show: “The Bachelor. My favorite season was probably “On the Wings of Love” with Jake because he kept keeping things interesting by picking Vienna. It is the worst but best TV out there! OH and HOMELAND OBVI.”
Drink of Choice: “Iced Coffee with Skim and 3 Splenda’s. Any flavored Seltzer. Recently I’ve been having a glass of milk with dinner and its been a nice little change.”
Ideal Date: “Going to Francisco’s on 68th and Columbus to grab pizza, in sweatpants of course, and then going to see a movie.  We just saw Lincoln, Argo and Silver Linings Playbook and loved all of them!”
Favorite NYC Spots: St. Patrick’s Cathedral (“where we got engaged!”); “And pretty much everywhere in NYC except for Penn Station, Herald Square and Times Square.” – COULDN’T AGREE MORE MOL!
Favorite Subway: 2 Train
Favorite Department Store: Saks
Favorite Scent: Bobbi’s Party by Bobbi Brown
Favorite Breakfast Food: Blueberry Pancakes with Sausage Links
Current Nail Polish: OPI Lincoln Park After Dark

A Day in Molly’s Life:

5:15am-5:35am – Wake Up; “I put my cell phone alarm on loud and it has to be across the room from me to make sure I actually get out of bed to turn it off. Get my gym clothes on. Brush my teeth quick and have some multivitamins – Vitafusion Multivites Gummy Vitamins and allergy pills because I get sinus infections at the drop of a hat.”

5:40am-6:30am – “Go down to the gym in my building and start to wake up by turning the speed up on the treadmill.”

6:30am-7:00am – “Shower and get dressed as quickly as I can. I have to lay out my clothes the night before so it speeds up the process a little bit. I usually wear a suit or a dress everyday. Not many ways to make a suit look “cute” and could never quite figure out how the J. Crew models made it look so fashionable in the catalogues.”

Products: “I love any and all product and I usually have a lot of things in my rotation but my most recent obsession is my Clarisonic that I got for Christmas – I have never had such clear and smooth skin. I usually do it once or twice a day depending on if I have charged it the night before but its my favorite and I would recommend it to everyone!  In the shower I use Biolage shampoo and conditioner but I like to buy small bottles because I like switching up the brand.  In my opinion the best body wash is Aveeno body wash in “calming lavender”.  Neutrogena naturals fresh cleaning and make up remover (in the morning) and Trish McEvoy face wash (at night).  Also swear by Ole Henriksen “Ultimate Eye Lift Eye Gel Roll on“, Ole Henriksen, “Truth Serum” and Origins “A Perfect World“. I switch up my body cream daily, but some of my favorites are: Laura Mercier in “Fresh Fig“, Clarins “Moisture Rich Body Lotion“.

7:05am –  “Head out the door to grab the 1 Train to the 2 Train and then either the PATH to Exchange Place or the Ferry from World Financial Center to Paula’s Hook. I’ve been taking the ferry lately because its been such a nice way to start the day on a boat. Usually grab an iced coffee at a place along the way and maybe a veggie drink if I really need to wake up.”

8:00am – “Sit down at my desk – we don’t have assigned seats at work so I try to switch it up and pick a new seat every day.”

8:00am-8:25am – “I eat breakfast at my desk – usually a yogurt from home and I check emails.”

8:30am-9:30am – Internal Meeting

9:30am-10:30am – Check emails

11:00am-12:00pm – “Jump back on the ferry to Manhattan for a meeting at one of our properties to discuss marketing and PR opportunities.”

12:30pm – “Head back to Jersey City and pick a new seat again…”

12:45pm-1:00pm – “Go down to the cafeteria and grab a salad and go back up and eat at my desk.”

1:00pm-6:30/7:00pm – “Respond to emails and usually have a couple smaller internal meetings or conference calls.”

7:00pm – “Head home and pick up something for dinner along the way.”

8:00pm – “Get home eat, watch NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams”

9:30pm/10:00pm – HIT THE HAY; “Before bed I usually put on Ole Henriksen “Truth Serum” I also like Lancome “Genefique” serum and before bed and in the winter months twice a week I will put on Origins “Drink Up Intensive“, L’Occitane hand cream “Mango flower“, Carmax lip balm, and Ole Henriksen “Ultimate Eye Lift“.  In Sephora I typically gravitate to any product that says “lift, tighten or smooth”.” – AMEN SISTER!

Thanks Mol!  Now I realize why we are such good friends… product obsessed and Mexican food lovers.  Even after living with you for so many years, I still find this interesting!  I love your tendency to mix things up.  After all, change leads to happiness!  (Has anyone seen the Happy Movie? So good!)  Even things as little as mixing up moisturizer is something worth trying!  Do it peops!  Also, I must say, for all of you thinking What?! She’s up at 5:30am everyday to workout? Mol is one of the most disciplined people I have ever known and is definitely a great example for the rest of us!  As Ben Franklin puts it, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a [wo]man healthy, wealthy and wise.”  I need to start repeating that one in the morning as I hit snooze

How was everyone’s weekends?!  This is my last week as a 26 year old and I can’t really believe it!


PS – Mol is my bestie from the famous Wedding of the Year

Bottoms up!

Ok, quickie post here but just had to [humble] brag about one of the Christmas presents my boyfriend gave me this year!  So remember that fun little beer making adventure a couple of months ago?  Well, check out the finished product!

That’s right ladies and gents – SOUTH OF MAIN STREET BEER!  Can you believe such a thing?  The gift being the beer bottle labels (of course), were made from the amazing site Pinhole Press.  They have tons of great ideas for photo cards, calendars, etc. and make fantastic gifts!  The site is very user-friendly and all you do is upload the image and voilà!  They will show you a sample of how the label/card/calendar will look and you have a personable, easy present from the click of a mouse (and some dolla dolla bills).

In case you’re wondering (I know most of you have probably been losing sleep over this), the beer we made came out great!  It has been so much fun drinking something we made from scratch and it actually does take like real-live-IPA!   If you’re in the NYC area, I would highly suggest checking out Bitter & Esters in Brooklyn as a gift idea or random outing with friends.  It’s the gift that keeps on giving!



A Day in the Life: Kelly


Age: 26
Current City:  Upper East Side, NYC
Job:  High School Literature and Writing teacher for students diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD, and Aspergers
Fave food: “So many.  Kale, Brie, and everything bagels, to name a few.”
Favorite Book: “Right now, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera and J.D. Salinger’s Nine Stories are at the top of my list – I can’t resist a twisted love story!”
Drink of Choice: “Black coffee in the morning and the afternoon, a sassy Cabernet or Malbec in the evening.”
Beauty Secret: “I’ve recently become obsessed with Elixirs and Hydrolats – I bring them to work – a quick spray in the afternoon makes all the difference.  Caudalie Elixir is my favorite.  Also, I’ve been mixing face serums with my face cream – I find that the combination absorbs into my skin more effectively.”
Ideal date: “Love dates.  But, I’m a 75-year old woman at heart, so I have to admit that my favorite date is at home, with a bottle of win, a Rom-com (if it’s my turn to pick) and food made by my favorite in-house chef, my 75 year-old companion.” – let me clarify he is not actually 75!
Favorite NYC Spots: “Although I’ve worked in the city for 5 years, I still feel new to all the kitschy-cool spots NYC has to offer – however, I’m forever in love with Grounded, The Blind Tiger, Westville, Extra Virgin, Candle 79, Caravan of Dreams, Doma, Taim, Union Square Farmer’s Market, The Strand and Pippin(“for browsing”)”


6:35am – Wake up, jump in shower; Products: Caudalie Exfoliating Face Scrub, Caudalie foaming cleanser, Dr. Hauschka’s cream cleanser (“to bring some moisture back to the face”), L’Occtaine’s Verbena Shower Gel, “I recently treated myself to Kiehl’s Argan Conditioner—it helps to tame my unruly mane.”

6:45am – Jump out of shower, use SkinCeuticals conditioning toner, Onurth’s Neroli or Rose Hydrolat, Avene light moisturizing cream with a few drops of Onurth’s face serum (or Caudalie face serum), and Avene eye cream; For make-up, Laura Mercier’s mineral powder, NARS’ Blush in Orgasm or Maui, and Maybelline Great Lash Mascara.

6:50am – Dress; “I have yet to perfect the professional teacher look, though I’ve improved over the years (my students confronted me about my white New Balance sneaks, boot-cut jeans, and tiny teal backpack (that donned my initials, obviously) during my first year—such outfits aren’t cut out for the big city, apparently). I try to match jeans and cords of all colors with boots—some days call for a button down, others an oversized t or sweater, and others a blazer (I try to save the blazers for all-business Mondays or serious test-taking days).” – I love this!  Talk about teacher chic.

7:00am – “Attempt to make a quick breakfast—most days it’s toast with avocado. If I’m feeling brave, I’ll try to whip up a smoothie—if I’m running late, it’s a croissant at Petite Abeille, though I’m trying to cut those out in 2013…not going to happen.”

7:10am – “Out the door to try and catch a 7:20ish train!”

7:30am/7:40 – “Arrive at school. Make any last minute changes to lesson plans and necessary photocopies that I didn’t make the day before.”

8:00am – “My first and second period class arrives and prepares for an exciting day of high school!”

8:15am – “Start teaching my 9th graders! We’re reading The Hobbit, so early morning is spent in middle earth!”

9:45am – “Classes change: My first class of 11th and 12th graders arrive, so excited, as usual.”

11:15am-1:25pm – Lunch/prep periods; “I usually use this time to meet with students about papers/outstanding assignments/to prepare for the rest of the week. Since all of my classes are reading different novels, I never feel like I’m caught up. Most days I bring lunch to avoid going out, but I usually take a couple of minutes to grab a coffee across the street— my new favorite spots include Haven and The Commons in Chelsea.”

1:30pm – “My final class—11th and 12th graders—arrive, also very excited. We’re currently reading Kafka’s The Metamorphosis so everyone has been buggin’.”

3:00pm – Dismissed!

3:00pm-5:00pm – “I tutor two different students right after school for one-hour sessions—usually for the SATs or homework help.”

5:00pm-6:30pm – Prepare for the next day, grade papers and tests, catch up on e-mails, update student folders

6:30ish – Teacher dismissed!

7:00pm-9:30pm – Eat, drink, and watch an HBO/Showtime series show; “Dinner is simple—usually a salad, some cooked vegetable, always some cheese, and, if I’m in an over-achieving mood, a pasta/rice dish. Wine is always present. I’m a big fan of Breaking Bad (AMC!), Workaholics, Girls (Jan 13th!), and Homeland—the Wire instigated the series obsession—I blame Omar Little.”

9:30pm-11:30pm: “Shower, read, and work on lesson plans/grading. My routine at night is nearly identical to the morning, with the exception (very recently) of the Clarisonic, which Santa brought this year. Every few nights I also try to use Dr. Dennis Gross’s Daily face peels—though, these are pricey, so I don’t always have them in stock. I’m liberal with the eye cream at night.” – You’re a smart woman, Kel.

12:00am: Lights out.

Thanks Kelly!  You are hilarious.  I am so inspired by you and I love the honesty!  11th and 12th graders?  You must have the patience of a Saint!   And just another amazing teacher shaping the future!  In other news, my eyes are opened to so many new products!  I thought I was the product junkie!  I love seeing how varied everyone’s days are.  Keep rockin’ those white New Balances girlfriend!

How is everyone’s weeks going?


Resolution Revolution

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Is it me or do you feel like New Years couldn’t have come soon enough this year?  After Hurricane Sandy hit, I felt like the holidays rolled in before I could say “turkey” (worst joke ever) and the next thing I knew I was falling down a slippery slope of holiday “cheer” and healthy eating was replaced with hibernation.  New Years is a great holiday in my mind because it gives everyone a clean slate, a fresh and positive outlook on the year ahead and the motivation you need to start the year off right.  With a New Year, you are able to get back into your usual groove after the holiday festivities take any self-control and balance away from you.  Personally, I don’t think you necessarily have to make any strict “resolutions”(i.e. don’t watch TV or eat mac n’ cheese ever again) because I think the likelihood of sticking to them are slim.  Like diets, I just don’t believe in them.  A perfect example is the gym right after New Years…then fast forward three weeks later when everyone’s forgotten what a resolution is and you have your pick of the litter on treadmills once again.  I could barely squeeze into my yoga class the other night because of the influx of resolution-ites, and I will tell you there was nothing zen about that experience!

However, I do think it is a great time to reevaluate things and look at the big picture.  How can I be a better friend? Sister? Girlfriend? Daughter? Co-worker? Blogger?!  And think about what you are grateful for and what you want to change.  I always strive to self-improve, but it’s not easy!  So overall, I would like work towards doing so in 2013.

Next up, I would like to develop good/healthy habits and get rid of bad/unhealthy habits.  I like routine but sometimes forcing myself to break away from the day-to-day ends up leading to something enlightening!  I mean, this is a terrible example, but even something as simple as switching from eating cereal for breakfast to eating oatmeal for breakfast can be liberating!  Heck, I made the switch a couple of months ago and I feel great! (PS – there are several studies about cereal leading to weight gain and is not as nutritious as you may think…lots of hidden ingredients…dundundunn)  I once heard that if you want to break a habit, don’t do it (or do it differently) three times in a row and you will be over it.  For example, if you have dessert every night after dinner and you want to break the habit, hold off for three nights and the craving will go away.  That’s not to say you won’t ever want dessert again, but it will help with the need to have something sweet every night.  Coming from someone who eats ice-cream way more than the average human, I have tried this tactic and it works!  Now I only have ice-cream if I am really in the mood (once a week…or so…my roomie may say otherwise).  Give it a whirl!

Another thing I am aiming for in 2013 is better balance.  Balancing work, friends, family, boyfriend, exercise, eating healthy and all the in between is so tough!  I beat myself up when I feel like I am lacking in one area and over compensating in another, but in reality, it’s inevitable!  Nobody is perfect!  But being more aware and making a better effort to keep everything in check is at least a step in the right direction.

My last (but not least) goal is to step outside of my comfort zone: try a new workout class, challenge myself more, do something different in my free time outside of my usual routine (Maybe READ instead of watch TV at night – what a novel idea!), invest in the stock market instead of earning 0.000000000001% in my savings account, meet new people, volunteer – the possibilities are endless!  My first (semi-weak) attempt at this was signing up for a triathlon!  The bf and I are taking the plunge on June 30th and I am so nervous/excited/anxious for it!  (I have used too many puns in this post) I’ve run several races but never a triathlon.  The thought of swimming in the icy cold June ocean for 1/2 a mile and then jumping on a bike for 10 miles and then running a 5k with rubbery legs, gives me the chills, but I can’t wait for the feeling once I cross that finish line!

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So I’m curious, what are your goals/resolutions/dreams for the new year?!  Do you typically make specific resolutions or follow my vague path/attempt at bettering yourself (and hopefully others in the process)?

HAPPY 2013 everyone!


(photos via Pinterest)

Livin’ Laguna Vida


Happy New Year ladies & gents!  Boy do I have a lot to tell you all from my week long Cali hiatus.   Hmm… how do I begin?

Twas’ the night before Christmas…when I found myself sitting on the floor of the Lincoln, Nebraska airport eating pizza by myself.  Yes, I know you’re all jealous and wish that’s how your Christmas eve was spent, but let me tell you, not everyone can be so lucky.  Long story short, my 8:30am direct flight to LAX ended up being a 24 hour journey from hell, most of which was spent in a tiny one gate airport in Lincoln, Nebraska, after our plane made an emergency landing due to smoke in the cockpit.  Thank goodness we were all safe, but I must say, I don’t see myself flying on United anytime soon.  Myself and 219 others all trapped in a tiny airport with zero explanation as to what was going on or if/when we would ever get out of Lincoln, Nebraska in time for Christmas, didn’t leave the most lasting impression.  One positive I did get out of it was how amazing the group as a whole was.  I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been entertaining a 5 year old in an airport for 9 hours or how frustrating it must have been to those who missed connections.  But in general, everyone remained calm and tried to laugh at the situation as best they could.  One of the most memorable experiences of the day was when a local Nebraska native departed one of the two planes flying into the airport that day and saw all 220 of us sitting at the gate and out of the goodness of her heart, had about 40 pizzas sent for all of us.  I mean talk about a stand up citizen!  I guarantee she made headline news in Lincoln on Christmas day.  And I also guarantee she is going straight to heaven.  While I am not looking for a pity party, spending Christmas eve by yourself sitting on the floor in an airport surrounded by strangers eating (much appreciated) donated cardboard pizza was one of the most surreal experiences I have had to date.  And I managed to only have one breakdown… (thank you to those who had to deal with me during that breakdown).

Anyhow… once I finally woke up in Laguna on Christmas morning, I instantly forced myself to erase all memory of the prior 24 hours and here are some of the highlights from my week…

The Montage Hotel

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This is actually what I envision heaven to be like… we spent a few days at the Spa Montage and I kid you not arrived at 8am and left at 8pm.  If anyone plans to go to Laguna, this is a MUST see.  It is one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever been in.  Not only are the views spectacular, but the staff and service are unmatched.   If you want to be treated like a king and feel the best you can possibly ever feel…this is your jam.  On our last day, New Years Eve, I started the day with a total body conditioning class, ran a couple of miles, swam 30 laps, ordered a smoothie at the pool, ventured to the hot tub, went back to my chair and read, got back in the pool, ordered lunch, drank a beer, went for a walk on the beach, biked for 20 minutes, hung out in the sauna and steam room for a while, got a facial, read a magazine by the fire, went to 5pm sunset yoga, showered, had a glass of wine at the lobby bar and then went to dinner with my family.  I mean, I honestly can’t think of a better day, can you?

Balboa Island

We stumbled upon this little gem haphazardly and boy were we pleasantly surprised!  I have never heard one word, “Balboa”, used more times in one day, and my dad even ended the day wearing a Balboa t-shirt, just to prove his love.  We were heading on a Griswold-esque road trip to see Newport Beach and decided to take the car ferry to make the trip all the more exciting.  As we crossed the bridge into the town where the ferry departed, Balboa Island, it was as if we had crossed the Sagamore bridge into Cape Cod with palm trees.  The quaint little streets and amazing but unpretentious houses had so much character, it was if they were pulled right out of a story book.  While we still hesitantly managed to get on the ferry across to Newport, it didn’t take us long until we turned right back around and came back to Balboa Island.  While the tiny town could use a few more restaurants and bars, it is definitely worth a pit stop if you’re in the area.  Sidenote: the “famous frozen banana” is not all it’s cracked up to be…and I have intentionally excluded the photos from that experience.

YogaWorks Laguna

As I have mentioned before, I am a total yogi convert and when I heard they had my beloved YogaWorks in Laguna I HAD to try it!  It was the exact same feel as the NYC locations and it made me feel instantly right at home and relaxed.

The Deck Bar

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Coolest bar in Laguna!  Hands down!  This chic little surf bar is literally right on the beach and we stumbled upon it when we were walking the beach one sunny afternoon… go figure.  The decor is more South Beach than rustic, but has that laid back SoCal surfer vibe that you can’t help but love.  The drinks are made with fresh fruit and absolutely delicious.  There are fire heat lamps and cute white lights strung throughout the outdoor space, with surfboard tables and fun music.  I felt like I was in Hawaii for a hot minute!

Sapphire Grill

We spent New Years eve dinner here and the food was absolutely delish!  There was an amazing outdoor seating area with a big firepit and heat lamps that kept us warm on the chilly night.  The food was not Mexican for a change, but more of an upscale American menu.  It was definitely the best meal we had in Laguna and the atmosphere was perfect for a nicer dinner out with the fam!  I would highly recommend this place if you’re in Laguna and want something different!

Zinc Cafe

Zinc Cafe is how I picture a SoCal cafe.  Healthy, al-fresco dining, with beautiful people and a relaxed atmosphere.  I made several coffee pit stops at this place and am dying to go back for lunch next time I’m in the ‘hood.


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My mom and I spent a full day checking out the stores in Laguna while the guys golfed.  We walked up and down the main strip and although there were plenty of touristy stores, what stuck out to me most were the home stores.  While I didn’t take pictures of all of my faves, Seaside Interiors was definitely a highlight.  It was totally my aesthetic and I wanted to just pick up and live inside of the store.  The owner explained to me that the shop was started by her and her daughter who have an interior design business and have expanded to do custom furniture as well.  Sounds like a dream to me!  Definitely worth checking out if you’re into that sort of thing.  In terms of clothing stores, I was particularly impressed with Isla, they had the cutest stuff at really good prices.  I managed to pickup a few great finds – a pair of black shorts with “leather” detail and an olive green sheer button down with black “leather” shoulders and collar – obsessed!

And there you have it!  A very Cali Christmas.  No sightings of LC, Stephen or Lo, but I will hope for the best next time around…


HAPPY 2013!  It’s going to be a GREAT year!