Apartment Progress

apt update 1

We did it!  We’re officially unpacked and finally able to enjoy our new little abode.  One thing I have learned to love about our apartment is the amount of space and storage we have.  Especially after our larger than life Costco trip (both jaws dropped at check out), I was a bit concerned about whether we were going to have enough space to fit the lifetime supply of toilet paper, but luckily there was a miniature linen closet that I had never noticed before, which fit those extras in perfectly!  It’s the little things in life!  So now that everything is put away, we have been able to sit down, breathe and bask in the joys of cohabitation!  And also drive myself crazy looking at our bare walls.  Like most everyone has told me, “you have to live in a place” to figure out what you need.  Which is definitely true, but also a challenge for someone like me who wants everything to be done and perfect immediately.  That’s where Bry comes in.  Luckily I have him to tell me to “relax” (quite often) and that we will figure it all out.  But in the meantime, bare walls and all, here are some before and after shots for your viewing “pleasure” (use your imagination here people)…

Living Room


living rm - before


living rm - after



kitchen - before


kitchen - after


before (with old tenants…)

patio - before


patio - after

patio - after 2


before (that blue tub…)

bathroom - before

after (attempting to hide the blue tub…)

bathroom - after



hallway - before

after (opposite angle)…

hallway - after



bedroom - before


bedroom - after

Guest Room

(I realize how obnoxious that sounds but then again we’re in Brooklyn…)


guest room - before


guest room - after

So as you can see there is still a lot of work to be done, but I am trying to approach it in stages.  Right now, is “living with it” stage and pretty soon I will begin the long process of tackling one room at a time… here’s what I am thinking in terms of some upcoming purchases: living room rug, mirrors!, coffee table, patio inspiration, plants, bedroom pillows (or a girl can dream…), art, book shelves, bar cart (Is it necessary? Yes, it is.) and the list goes on…

Like I said… stages…and I am sure my ideas will constantly be evolving, so might as well not jump into anything, right?  One designer who has really caught my eye lately for inspiration is Amber Interiors.  Feast your eyes interior design lovers!


New Chapter


I am so sorry for my radio silence for the past few months, but I have been going through an extremely transitional time so haven’t had time to slow down for a minute, but… all for great and exciting things!  I will spare you the details of the time spent in between – finding an apartment, losing an apartment (The rental market in NYC is as insane as it’s rumored to be!), moving Bry out, moving me out, moving to the suburbs – and tell you, Bry and I are officially ROOMIES and Brooklyn residents!  As you’ve seen here, here and here, I took a bit of a liking to the “other borough” and as Bry and I started looking at apartments, we realized we were both drawn to Brooklyn more than anywhere else.  Specifically, Brooklyn Heights.  There is something very old world charm about Brooklyn Heights and it reminds me a bit of my home city, Boston.  Tree lined streets and brownstones, SPACE, cute little cafes, quiet neighborhoods (Can you imagine!?) and an overall sense of community.  I was sold!  While it took a while for us to get there, we’re officially in and couldn’t be happier exploring our new ‘hood!

Plenty of quality time spent in the Uhaul this month...on our new street!

Plenty of quality time spent in the Uhaul this month…on our new street!

Being one of the biggest life changes I have experienced thus far, moving to a new part of the city with Bry, felt all the more overwhelming and exciting.  Change is such a difficult and amazing thing.  I think of myself as someone who needs change about every 2 years.  Whether it’s a job, haircut, apartment or new part of town, I start to get the “itch” after doing the same thing for too long.  With that said, I am terrible with change, which my mom so kindly pointed out to me last year (yeah, yeah, mom’s know everything).  But I think there is something SO refreshing about starting a new chapter, as hard as it may be.  It’s a way to start over and learn from your experiences.  Bry will certainly attest to learning a lot about me already throughout this marathon of a move (sorry Bry), but like I said, change is tough!  With that said, whether it’s moving in with a significant other or starting a new job, I think change strengthens you and gives you confidence!  If you’re considering a change, challenge yourself to just go for it.  What’s the worst that could happen?

Anyhow, moving on from deep thoughts and on to… decorating!  Can’t wait to get organized and update you on our progress!  If you want to see some of my decorating inspiration photos, check out my Pinterest board here.

Is it Friday yet?


