BK Does it Again

It’s Sunday morning with NOTHING on the agenda.  So what’s a gal to do?  Go to Brooklyn of course!  Walking across the Brooklyn bridge might be one of my favorite things to do in the city.  Now once you get over that bridge figuring out what to do and where to go can be trying…unlessssss you are lucky enough to have a boyfriend who has lived across the pond river.  On this particular little excursion we ventured to Brooklyn Heights.  Has anyone been?  Because I.FELL.IN.LOVE.  I’m telling you, it’s a little slice of heaven hidden in the large foreign borough!  The tree-lined streets with colonial style town homes made me feel like I was in Beacon Hill rather than two miles from the concrete jungle.  And the stylin’ boutiques and hip restaurants could give the West Village a run for it’s money!  Look out Manhattan!  Check out some of the sites (pardon the iPhone photos…man, I need a camera)…

First we strolled across the bridge…

And we’ve arrived!  Here was the view from Brooklyn Heights looking at lower Manhattan…

How adorable is this tiny little house?!  I would like to move in now please.

Next we cruised along “the promenade” (that’s Brooklyn jargon guys, write it down).

Then we got a bloody mary (for old times sake) at this local watering hole (FYI: there is a bocce court INSIDE the bar) which were sitting on these friendly coasters.  We subsequently made note that people seem to be nicer in Brooklyn…


Then we continued on our way and I think I commented on every street/apartment we passed (I’m sure it wasn’t annoying at all)…


What did I tell you people?  Now walk over that beautiful bridge and take a right and you’re there!  It’s not that far.  And to make you even more convinced… the 2/3/4/5 trains all go directly to the heart of the ‘hood!


The Skinny on The Skimm

Have you guys heard of The Skimm yet?  If so, feel free to move on to your next blog, and if not, read on…

theSkimm Logo

The Skimm is basically the skinny on all most of the top headlines for the day, with all wordiness extracted.  Read: a quick and easy to read one page newspaper (targeted towards people like me).  The Skimm is sent out daily around 6:00am, giving you enough time to download and pull up on your iPhone before your morning commute.  It’s free to sign up and doesn’t require anything besides an email address.  Each newsletter is broken down into about 10 topics for the day, with titles like:

What to say about football…

What to say while working…

What people are horrified by…

What to say on a date…

Let’s be honest ladies…these are important topics.  While many people read the morning paper over their cup of coffee and are able to extract the headlines themselves, I am not one of them.  I am the busy body of all busy bodies and have the tendency to try to fit way too much in to too little time, hence, never make time to read the paper.  The idea behind The Skimm is genius because with all of the distractions we have (Facebook, Twitter, INSTAGRAM – I have a problem) it helps our generation to stay up to date on current events without taking too much time out of our busy days (Gchatting…).

It’s worth checking out if you have any interest in what’s going on in the world outside of Facebook.


Blizzard Bash Ideas

Aaaaaannnnnndddd we’re back people!  I apologize for the hiatus, as I mentioned, I was in a bit of a transitional period, as I just wrapped up my last job and got a new job!  Hooray!  But because I virtually had no time in between, my last week was a bit chaotic so I didn’t have much time to post… I hope you all didn’t lose too much sleep over it!  Also, after thinking about how I can better manage the blog, I have decided to keep A Day in the Life to a monthly post, to make sure I am keeping the quality up to par and be realistic with myself, when trying to manage a full time job and a blog (my second full time job).

Anywho, how about this storm huh?!  I don’t know about you all but winter snow storms are my absolute fave!  It creates a sense of coziness and serenity and gives everyone an excuse to sloooowww dowwnnn…even in the big crazy city of New York.  It also makes for a great excuse to host a house party [read: apartment party].  Here are some fun ideas to host a blizzard bash in lieu of trekking to a bar…

Fondue Party


I’m thinking turtlenecks, red wine, 70s music and lottsss of laughs.  One of my favorite memories is snow shoeing up the Sun Valley ski mountain with Bry and eating fondue with an ice cold beer and rosy cheeks at the Round House.  There’s nothing better in the winter!  Let’s bring the fondue party back!

Ugly Sweater Party


The ugly sweater party. It’s been done time and time again yet never gets old.  Show up with an ugly sweater and take lots of pictures.  If you would like to make an ugly sweater investment, check out this site.  Hilarious.

80s Ski Party


Neon… so hot right now.  This one would be easy to conjure up even when half of the stores might be snowed in.  Neon spandex?  Check.  Heavy knit headband?  Uhuh.  Extremely boxy obnoxious jacket?  Heck yeah.

Turtleneck Party


You can get creative with this one people.  Mock turtlenecks, sweaters, classic stripes, you name it.  Everyone looks funny in a turtleneck.  Doesn’t stop me from wearing them on the reg.

Ski Snob Party


Think Lloyd’s boots in Dumb and Dumber.  There’s nothing like a good snob on the slopes.  Most of the time they can’t ski, but damn do they look good!  Get your [faux] fur and your metallic puffers out party peops.  And make sure to complain about at least one thing.

Don’t forget: plenty of hotty toddies, drinking games and quality playlists.  Have fun and stay warm!


(pic 1,2, 3, 4, 5)