Maxi Maven


I have been dreaming about a DVF maxi dress ever since this post on one of my favorite fashion blogs, Atlantic-Pacific.  Isn’t that dress AMAZING????????  She apparently got it from a sample sale…and that scarf is OLD NAVY?  I mean, come on.  Ugh, Blair you get me every time!

SO with all of these weddings coming up (I think Bry and I are up to 7 in the next 14 months…HELLO!), I think I can justify buying one, right?  Well, it’s going to happen people!  As much as I love pretty much everything Di puts out, I am still hooked on prior years looks… so much so that I am on the prowl trying to find this coral number in my size… or there’s always these options below…

DVF - green

DVF - red

DVF - vintage

And this is not wedding event material but HOW INSANE is the dress below?!?!?  I am so tempted to buy it and make it work even though it’s not my size.  Picture it with a thick black belt and these DVF wedges.  Ahh!  It might have to happen…

DVF - caftan

Help me decide!  Which one would you pick?  I’m thinking of either a patterned maxi with simple gold/white accessories OR one of the solids with contrasting bold colored gems… thoughts?!

Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend!  My girlfriends and I rode bikes up to the Cloisters and picnicked with a baguette, delicious cheese from Murray’s and of course, a bottle of wine.  It was one of the best NYC days I have had to date!


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